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Me about Me


My name is Ksenia. The word means - depending on the culture - strangers, flowers, beauty or hospitality. And all this applies more or less to me as well, if you look at the stages of my life.

About Our Leather


The primary themes to which I dedicate my artistic work are addictions, fears, femininity, sexuality and bizarre aspects of life.

me about me

At first, I dedicated my artistic work primarily to fashion illustration. Since 2002 I’ve been living in Hamburg (Germany) where I work as an creative and art director and freelance artist. In the last year I have experimented with various styles such as watercolour, collage, oil painting, ink painting, acrylic painting, linocut and drawing. Later I moved to Austria. Worked and lived there. Later I moved to Zurich, where I have my Atelier and do a lot of physical, digital and performance art.

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